Saturday, September 30, 2017

Class Update September 30, 2017

Important Dates:

Friday, October 13th- End of first quarter; Half day for students

Monday, October 23rd- Parent teacher conferences; Book fair begins

Wednesday, October 25th- Parent teacher conferences

Friday, October 27th- NO SCHOOL

Sunday, October 29th- Trunk or Treat

Writing:  We have finished our first personal narrative pieces, and we are currently working on our second narrative piece.  Students are focusing on adding in a blend of dialogue, action/description, and their thoughts and feelings into their narratives.  This helps create an interesting story for the reader.  The goal is to finish this piece by the end of the quarter.

Reading:  We have been learning about how the author's point of view and perspective affect us as readers.  We also just started learning about the theme of fiction stories in our mini lessons.  Guided reading groups have been going well, and students have been finding evidence in the text to support their thinking.  Another component of our reading time is spent on book clubs.  The book clubs meet on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Students are responsible for reading the chapters assigned as well as writing a thick question to discuss with their groups before the meeting date.  Students should be finished with their first book clubs in a few weeks, and then they will decide what they want to read next.  Below are pictures of book clubs in action!

Math:  We just had a quiz over the beginning of chapter two which focused on exponents and prime factorization.  The rest of the chapter deals with multiplication.  Please have your child practice their multiplication facts at home nightly so they can become automatic.  This will really help them as we are doing multiplication and division.

Science:  In science, we have been learning about designing fair tests when performing investigations.  We just started our Oreo project. Students will be making observations and designing an investigation to experiment with Oreos.  Next week, check with your child to see what testable question they come up with relating to Oreos!  Below are pictures of the students making qualitative observations of the cookies. 

Social Studies:  Miss Scalise will begin teaching about the Declaration of Independence in Social Studies. 

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