Friday, September 15, 2017

Class Update September 15, 2017

Important Dates:

Friday, September 22nd- NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Development

Wednesday, September 27th- Picture Day

We took a break from our regular morning meeting today and had some quick Friday fitness fun!  A lot of the kids really got into it.

Writing:  The students have been working hard on their personal narrative pieces.  We have been focusing on elaborating in our writing.  This includes adding dialogue, sensory details, and description.  This coming week we will be editing and putting the finishing touches on this piece.  Then, students be choosing another idea to develop for our second narrative piece.  

Reading;  Students are learning to write about their reading.  We are focusing on fiction skills, and we have been making inferences about the plot and the characters in books.  Starting next week, students will be in a book club where they are reading and discussing a novel in small groups.  This is a lot of fun for them as the book clubs are mostly student led.  They also have choice in deciding what book they want to read for their book club.  Please make sure your child is reading nightly.  Students who read for long chunks of time will progress much faster than those who do not.

Math:  We are currently wrapping up chapter one.  Our test will be on Tuesday, and the students have a study guide that will help them prepare.  You can also access the online math book by following the instructions under the online textbooks tab on my blog.  In our next chapter, we will be learning about prime factorization and multiplication of whole numbers.  Please have you child practice his or her multiplication facts so that they are memorized.  Knowing math facts quickly and accurately helps save your child time when getting into multiplying larger numbers.

Science:   In science, we are continuing to learn about the scientific method.  We have formed several testable questions and carried out experiments to find out the answers to our questions.  We made a hypothesis and then investigated to find out if black or white cups of water would get hotter in the sun.  We then related this back to real life such as deciding what color to wear on a hot, sunny day.  We even tied it in to the differences between black and white cars.   In another fun experiment, students tested three different paper towel brands to see which was more absorbent.  We found that Bounty outperformed the Costco brand and the school paper towel brand.  By doing this experiment, we learned about variables, graphing data, and drawing conclusions.  Last week, we also took a quick walk over to GEMPP park and explored the area.  We used this to make observations and to think of more possible questions we could investigate.

Social Studies: The students are studying the causes that led to the American Revolution.  Next, we will be learning about the Declaration of Independence.

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