Saturday, October 28, 2017

Class Update October 28, 2017

Important Dates:

Sunday, October 29th- Trunk or Treat at Long from 4:00-6:00 in the parking lot

Tuesday, October 31st- Halloween parade at 1:40 and party from 2:00-3:00

Wednesday, November 8th- Early Release (dismissal at 1:40)

Friday, November 10th- Veterans Day Assembly

Friday, November 17th- Picture retake day

Writing:  At the end of the quarter, we had a pajama/flashlight day to celebrate our personal narrative writing!  We turned out the lights and read each others stories with flashlights.   The students enjoyed reading the compliments that their classmates left for them about their writing.  Below are pictures of students conferencing with their writing partners before they completed their personal narratives.


We have just begun our next writing unit where students will be learning about informational writing.  We are learning about the importance of paraphrasing when doing research on a topic.  The students practiced paraphrasing with their writing partners. 

Our first informational piece will have a social studies connection.  Students will be choosing a topic about Native Americans.  They will be able to find something related to Native Americans that they are interested in.  Some examples are food, homes, art, weapons, sports, and games.

Reading:  We just finished up our first read aloud book called Home of the Brave.  When reading this book, we focused on theme, characters, author's perspective, and more.  In small groups, we just finished up learning about characters.  We will soon begin learning about the different ways an author can organize informational text.  The students started their second book club book last week, and they seem excited about their books!  Students chose what book they are reading for their book club, and they had a variety of different genres from which to choose.  Ask them to tell you about the book they are reading!

Math:  We just finished up chapter 3 with our quiz on Thursday.  We will be moving on to chapter 4, which is also division but with two-digit divisors.  Please have your child continue to practice his or her multiplication facts at home.  Most students do not have them memorized, and this slows them down a lot during math.

Science:  We are having a lot of fun in science!  The water cycle and weather are the focus of our current unit.  We learned that heat speeds up evaporation by doing an experiment with paper towels.  We put drops of water on paper towels, and then we placed one of the paper towels on a bag of hot water and one on a bag of cold water.  Students observed that the drop on the paper towel over the hot water evaporated much faster than the one on the cold water. 

To learn about condensation, we put hot water in a plastic cup and placed another cup on top as a lid.  Students noticed that the water vapor that was formed from the hot water evaporating cooled down when it reached the top of the cup and condensed back into liquid water drops.  Then, we repeated the experiment with ice on the lid to show how condensation can be sped up by colder temperatures. 

We made shaving cream clouds and added drops of water onto the cloud until it got too heavy and precipitated. 

Social Studies:  Miss Scalise has been teaching about the United States becoming an independent country and how a new government was formed under the Constitution.  Students are starting a project where they research an important person from America's history and learn how that person helped make changes to our country. 

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