Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 7

Thank you so much to the parents who helped plan the Christmas party!  The kids had a blast, and it was a great party!

We are having a wonderful start to the third quarter!  The students came back refreshed from our time off, and they have been working hard.

Some important dates coming up:
Friday, January 8- 6:30 PTO movie night at Long
Wednesday, January 13- Early release
Monday, January 18- NO SCHOOL

We are learning about persuasive texts in both reading and writing.  In reading this week, students have been analyzing articles on a variety of interesting debatable issues.  They are learning to identify the claim the author is making, as well as the reasons and the evidence.  Next week they will be in a research group where they will investigate an issue of their choice.  After gathering evidence on both sides of the issue, they will engage in mini debates about their topics.  The students are very excited about this!

In writing, students were presented with the idea of whether or not we should continue to serve chocolate milk in the cafeteria.  We will be examining a variety of articles and video to collect information about the topic.  After reading the evidence, they will use their research to write a persuasive letter in favor of chocolate milk or against it.

We have been learning about multiplying decimals this week in math.  We will continue with multiplication and move on to decimal division soon.  In our math centers, students have been using an online journal called Seesaw.  The journal allows you to take pictures or videos.  When the students are playing a math game at the hands on center or doing a problem solving activity, they make a video with their group.  The goal is for them to use math vocabulary and to explain their thinking on the video.  In the next few weeks after they get more pictures and videos in their journals,  I will send you a link to see what the students have been doing.

Science has been a lot of fun this week!  We are continuing to learn about matter.  The students did an experiment where they mixed vinegar and baking soda to create carbon dioxide.  First, the students mixed the vinegar and baking soda in a bottle.  They then quickly put a balloon over the bottle top, and they witnessed the carbon dioxide come up and blow up the balloon.  This helped solve a common misconception, so now hopefully all students understand that gas takes up space.  I included a video of one group performing the experiment.

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