Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25th

We have been keeping busy lately!  Students have all set new goals for the quarter, and they are working towards achieving their goals for 2016.

Here are some dates to keep in mind:

Tomorrow, January 26th- Sheldon Concert Hall Field Trip (we will return by lunch)

Jump Rope for Heart information will come home tomorrow, and the donations may be brought in from February 8-10

Wednesday, February 10th- Early Dismissal at 1:40

Friday, February 12th- Class Valentine's Party

Monday, February 15th- NO SCHOOL for President's Day

In reading, students are in research groups studying different popular issues.  Their topics include:

  • Should zoos be banned?
  • Is space or ocean exploration more important? 
  • Should killer whale shows be banned?
  • Are extreme sports worth the risk?
  • Should plastic water bottles be banned?
They are very engaged in this, and they are learning to analyze nonfiction to help support their arguments.  Last Thursday they participated in mini debates within their research groups, and they are now looking for more evidence to support their side.

In writing, we are also continuing to study argument writing.  Students are still researching and writing a letter to Dr. Parker about whether or not we should serve chocolate milk in schools.  Below are pictures of students working with their writing partners to gather evidence from the articles they read about chocolate milk.  After we finish this piece, students will choose their own topic and write another argument essay.

We are working on chapter 6 in math, which deals with multiplication and division of decimals.  This is a challenging chapter, and we will be having a short quiz on Wednesday over lessons 6, 8, and 9. They have a study guide that should have come home today.  

In science, we are learning about light.  Next, we will move on to classifying living things.  Some of the topics covered will be vertebrates, invertebrates, and food chains.  I am including a few pictures and videos of our student created experiments from two weeks ago.

Have a wonderful week, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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