Monday, January 16, 2017

Class Update January 16th

Upcoming Dates:
  • Wednesday, January 25th- Early release day

  • Tuesday, February 7th- Music field trip to the Sheldon 
  • Friday, February 10th- Valentine's party
  • Monday, February 13th-17th- Book Fair
  • Wednesday, February 15th- Early release day
  • Monday, February 20th- No School (Presidents' Day)

  • Math:  We are currently learning to multiply and divide numbers with decimals.  Everyone is doing great with the decimals, but a lot of students are making multiplication mistakes.  Keep practicing those facts at home!  After this chapter, we will be starting fractions.

    Writing and Reading:  We are learning about persuasive texts in both reading and writing.  In reading, students have been analyzing articles on a variety of interesting debatable issues.  They are learning to identify the claim the author is making, as well as the reasons and the evidence that support the claim.  This week students will be in a research group investigating a debatable issue of their choice.  After gathering evidence on both sides of the issue, they will engage in mini debates about their topics.  The students are very excited about this!  Students recently started new book clubs books as well.  They really enjoy choosing their book and discussing what they are reading together.  Below are pictures of the new book clubs.

    In writing, students are currently researching and will soon be writing a letter to Dr. Parker about whether or not we should serve chocolate milk in schools.  Below are pictures of students working with their writing partners to gather evidence from the articles they read  and the videos they watched about chocolate milk.  After we finish this piece, students will choose their own topic and write another argument essay.

    Science:  We just finished up a short unit on light.  Students participated in different experiments about light and reported back on what they learned.  

    We are now studying living things.  We focus on classification, vertebrates, and invertebrates.  

    Other Activities:  Below are some pictures of a few STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities we did before winter break.  Students had to create a parachute that allowed Santa to land smoothly, and they had to build a shelf with popsicle sticks and play-doh that would hold their elf.  The goal was to create the highest shelf possible.  They had some very creative ideas!

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