Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 20

A Few Things to Remember:

  • Tuesday, Sep. 22- Math test over Ch. 1 (please review the study guide with your child)
  • Friday, Sep. 25- NO SCHOOL due to teacher professional development
  • Wednesday, Sep. 30- Picture day
  • Friday, Oct. 2- Long's Cultural Dinner from 6:30-8:00: Bring a food dish to celebrate your culture. There will be cultural entertainment from all over the world.  This is a family fun event.  Contact with any questions or concerns.  A flyer went home in the Tuesday mail with more information.

In math, we have been reviewing for our upcoming test on chapter one.  This chapter covers place value of whole numbers and decimals, as well as comparing and ordering numbers.  A study guide went home on Tuesday, and the test will be very similar to the study guide.  Chapter two will involve a lot of multiplication, so please have your child practice their facts for a few minutes each night.

Students have been working hard on their personal narratives in writing.  Ask your child what they have been writing about.  We talked about writing leads that will captivate and hold the reader's attention.  We learned that narrative writing needs to include rising action, a climax, and falling action.  Students are revising their work to include each of these components in their stories.   Also, the students and their writing partners scored a sample piece of writing using the rubric with which their personal narratives will be graded.

In reading, we have been focusing on story elements.  This is going right along with what we are studying in writing, too.  Reading groups are going well, and students seem to be enjoying their books.  While I meet with reading groups each day, the other students are reading their books independently.  In order for children to improve their reading and move along in their reading levels, it is extremely important that they are reading books on their level for a sustained period of time.  Please make sure your child completes their 30 minutes of nightly reading as this is just as important as the reading that they do at school.

We are continuing to learn about the scientific method.  Students are writing testable questions and hypotheses for different types of investigations.  This coming week will learn how to write a procedure for an investigation, as well as learn about the different types of variables in an investigation.  Students are getting very excited about applying the different parts of the scientific method to our Oreo experiment soon!

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