Friday, November 17, 2017

Class Update November 17, 2017

Important Dates:

Tuesday, November 21- Field trip to see Wonder movie

Wednesday- Friday, November 22-24- No school

Wednesday, December 6- Early release (dismissal at 1:40)

December 21- January 3- Winter Break

Writing:  We are currently working on our first informational piece.  Students have chosen a topic related to Native Americans that they are interested in.  They have been busy researching their topic, and we have been learning a variety of strategies to use in informational writing.  We should be finished with this piece in a few weeks, and then students will select another informational topic for their second piece.

Reading:  We are focusing on nonfiction in our reading lessons.  Students are learning about the different text structures that authors use when writing informational text.  Some of these text structures include: cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, sequence, and problem/solution.  We are continuing to read fiction books in our book clubs.  Students will finish their second book club in the next two weeks.

Math:   In math, we have been learning how to add and subtract decimals.  Also, we have reviewed place value by learning to round to decimal places.   We will have a quiz over these skills on Tuesday.  After we come back from Thanksgiving, we will move on to chapter 7.  This chapter includes: order of operations, patterns, and ordered pairs.

Science:  In science, we just finished up our projects on the water cycle.  We also learned about the two main types of storm clouds and how to tell if a storm is headed our way.  We will soon have a test over the water cycle and weather.  After that, we will move on to properties of matter.

Here are some pictures of our STEM projects the students recently completed.  They chose a type of Native American home to learn about, and then they built a model of the home.  They did a great job!