Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Class Update December 13, 2016

Upcoming Dates:
  • Tuesday, December 20th- Holiday party
  • Wednesday, December 21st- Winter Break Begins
  • Wednesday, January 4th- School Resumes

Math:  We recently finished learning to add and subtract decimals.  Currently, we are studying some of the different topics in chapter 7.  These include: ordered pairs, patterns, and order of operations.

Writing:  Students worked hard on researching about a Native American topic this quarter.  We focused on paraphrasing and notetaking.  Each student chose three subtopics to research and write about that related to their topic.  This writing piece was sent home today.  Now, students are researching a science topic that they are interested in.  

Reading:  We have been learning about different text structures in non-fiction.  Students can identify and explain when authors use cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, problem/solution, and chronological order.  This has been applied in writing this quarter as well.  Book clubs are finishing up their second book this week, and we will start new ones after winter break.  In guided reading, we have been learning about different strategies to apply when reading non-fiction.

Science:  Matter has been the main focus in science.  We have learned about properties of matter and can explain the differences between solids, liquids, and gases.  Students have been participating in a variety of hands on activities to learn about matter and the movement of molecules.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

Class Update October 21, 2016

Upcoming Dates:
  • Now until October 30th- Book fair is happening at Long
  • Monday and Wednesday, October 24th and 26th- Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Thursday, October 27th- Cahokia Mounds Field Trip
  • Sunday, October 30th- Trunk or Treat from 4-6 pm
  • Monday, October 31st- Halloween Party 2-3 pm
  • Monday, November 8th- NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, November 9th- NO SCHOOL

  We are currently reviewing division.  Chapter 3 covers division by single digit divisors and chapter 4 covers division by double-digit divisors.  Continuing to review multiplication facts is important, especially if your child does not know his or her facts.  

Writing:  We finished up our personal narrative pieces and had our flashlight writing celebration on Tuesday!  The students had fun reading each others narratives and writing compliments about what they liked about the different pieces.  Check out pictures of the kids publishing their narratives and having their writing celebration.

We have started our informational unit now, and we start off by learning how to take notes and paraphrase when researching.  

Reading:  We have been focusing on finding the theme of fiction stories.  In guided reading, the groups have been learning how to use text evidence to support the themes of the passages we are reading.  Students are almost finished with their first book club book, and they will be selecting a new book soon.  Ask your child about the book they read with their book club!  Below are pictures of the book clubs.

Science:  Science has been a lot of fun!  We have starting learning about the water cycle.  Students have been participating in hands on activities to learn about the different phases of the water cycle.
We made the five different layers of the atmosphere and learned about the density of different liquids at the same time!

We also showed that heat speeds up evaporation by putting water drops on paper towels.  One paper towel was on top of a bag of hot water, and one paper towel was on top of a bag of cold water.  Students discovered that the drop on top of the hot water disappeared much faster than the drop on top of the cold water.

To show condensation, we put hot water in a plastic cup and put another cup on top to act as a lid.  The students noticed that the water vapor that was formed from the hot water evaporating cooled down when it reached the top of the cup and turned back into a liquid.  Then, we repeated the experiment with ice on top to speed up the process of condensation.  We also made a shaving cream cloud and added blue water until it got too heavy and rained blue rain drops!

Ability Awareness Day:  5th graders participated in ability awareness day today.  We learned all about different disabilities, but most importantly we realized how much we all have in common with one another.  A favorite today was meeting the CHAMPS service dogs!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Class Update September 19, 2016

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, September 23- NO SCHOOL due to teacher meetings
  • Wednesday, September 28- Picture day

Math: We just wrapped up chapter one in math, and we are beginning chapter two.  This chapter covers prime factorization and multiplication of whole numbers.  Please have your child practice his or her multiplication facts so they are memorized.  Knowing math facts quickly and accurately help save your child time when getting into multiplying larger numbers.  Below are some pictures of the kids at their math stations.

Writing: We have been learning strategies to create a rising action in our narrative stories.  This helps keep a reader's interest until you get to the exciting or most important part of the story.  Students have writing partners that they check in with each day during writing.  This partnership allows students to give positive feedback and constructive criticism to help improve their writing pieces.  Below are pictures of students meeting in small groups to read their drafts.

Reading:  Students are learning to write about their reading.  We are focusing on fiction skills currently, and we are have been making inferences about the plot and about characters in books.  In guided reading, we are focusing on inferencing and writing written responses to reading using text evidence.  It is important that students can choose evidence to support their thinking in reading.  Soon, students will be in a book club where they are reading and discussing a novel in small groups.  This is a lot of fun for them as the book clubs are mostly student led.  Please make sure your child continues to read for a total of 120 minutes a week at home.  Students who read for long chunks of time will progress much faster than those who do not.  In class, students are able to choose a spot in the room to read.  You can see that some definitely get comfortable!

Science:  Students have been continuing to learn about the scientific method through a variety of experiments.  Recently, the students tested three different paper towel brands to see which absorbs the most water.  Most groups discovered that Bounty outperformed the Target brand and the brand the school uses.  By doing this experiment, we learned about variables, graphing data, and drawing conclusions.