Sunday, May 3, 2015

May Update

Testing is finally over!  I'm sure your child is very happy about this.  We had quite a few days of testing, but the kids really worked hard and we had some fun rewards throughout the testing time.  I am very proud of all of their efforts within the last few weeks!

As the end of the year approaches, there are many activities that will keep us busy in 5th grade.
Below are some of the important dates to keep in mind.

  • May 5th- Bowling Field Trip (9:00-11:00)
  • May 7th- Truman Orientation (12:45-3:00)
  • May 14th- Field Day 
  • May 15th- NO SCHOOL 
  • May 20th- DARE Graduation (1:30)
  • May 21st- 5th Grade Party
  • May 22nd- Last Day of School (half day)

This past Friday the whole school was involved in a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) day.  There were several fun science demonstrations, and the students participated in an egg drop where they were given specific materials and told to construct a structure to protect their egg from cracking when they dropped it.  Also, we went inside an inflatable dome and watched a video about storms.  It was like a smaller scale version of the Omni-max at the Science Center!

In math, we are finishing up our chapter on measurement.  Look for a study guide to come home early next week.  We are learning standard and customary measurement conversions.  Students are also working on a fun project in their math centers.  It incorporates geometry, number sense, volume, and other important math concepts.  They have to plan a field trip to outer space, as well as actually construct a suitcase and decide where the items they need to bring will fit inside the suitcase.  They are having a lot of fun with this!

In writing, our focus during the 4th quarter has been on argument writing.  They have learned to develop an opinion on a subject based on researching and examining the facts.  The students learned how to use a counterclaim to bolster their own arguments.

In reading, we are finishing up our reading group books.  I have really enjoyed how excited the kids get about the books we are reading in their groups!  Some groups may not finish their books before the end of the year, but I know the public library should have copies of the books if they would like to finish the books in the summer.

Forces and simple machines were the main topics we focused on earlier in the quarter.  The kids had fun trying out the different simple machines and realizing how often we use them in everyday life.  This week each child will choose an inventor or scientist to research.  For their final project, they will be able to make a brochure about the inventor/scientist's life, or they can write a newspaper article detailing the important events in the person's life.

Enjoy the last few weeks with your child before they become big sixth graders!  :)