Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fifth Grade News

Things have been moving right along.  Routines are established, and the students seem to be enjoying fifth grade.  They are a fun group of kids to teach!

In math, students have been working hard on estimating and adding and subtracting with decimals.  We will finish up chapter three with a test on Tuesday.  Students have a study guide in their folder that we completed in class earlier in the week.  Please take some time to look it over with your child before Tuesday.

Reading groups have gotten underway, and we are learning to make predictions with support from the text. We have also been focusing on questioning and themes of stories.  Reading seems to be a favorite of many students!

I am so proud of the writing the kids have been doing in class!  They have increased their stamina and are able to write for much longer than they could at the beginning of the year,  After the mini lesson of the writing skill or strategy, students are allowed to choose a spot around the room to write.

On Wednesday, we had a celebration of our writing where every student shared a piece of writing they were excited about.  Everyone has been making progress in writing, and we are continuing our study of personal narratives for the next several weeks.

In Science, we are getting closer to doing our Oreo investigation.  We have learned how to write testable questions, how to write a hypothesis, and how to write a procedure.  Next, we are learning what variables are and how they affect investigations.  Later in the week, we will use what we have learned to perform an investigation to find out which type of Oreo sinks faster.  The kids are very excited to learn science with Oreos!  If you would like to donate a box of Oreos for us to use, please let me know and I can tell you what type we need for our experiment.

We also had our first buddy activity this week where students were paired up with a second grader from Mr. Jobst's class.  We plan on meeting monthly with our buddies, and each meeting is focused on one of the 7 habits.  This week fifth and second graders talked about being proactive.  The fifth graders did a great job of making their buddies feel welcome in our classroom!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

Even though this was a short week, we still accomplished many things!  We took our math test over place value today, and we had time after the test to learn a new math game.  Next week we will be starting chapter 3 on rounding.  In reading, we have been using clues in the text to make inferences.  Also, the students are quickly becoming accomplished writers.  They have learned how to take a big idea and turn it into a story.  Also, we discussed strategies for using good leads when starting a piece of writing.  The students wrote some very interesting, attention-getting leads.

Science was especially fun this week!  We have been talking about the two types of observations: qualitative and quantitative.  Today we went outside and found small natural objects to observe.  Then, we were able to use the school's new digital microscopes to magnify their objects on the whiteboards where everyone could see.  We were very surprised how such simple objects appeared so intricate and detailed under the microscope!

Our whole school has started reading  The Seven Habits of Happy Kids, which is a kid's version of the popular book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  The habits show kids how they can be a leader and make good choices.  Ask your child what habit they have demonstrated lately.  Here are the seven habits and what they mean:

Habit 1 – Be Proactive – Stop, think and make a good choice. Take responsibility
for your own actions and outcomes.
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind – Set a goal and make a plan on how to
meet that goal. Work that plan.
Habit 3 – Put First Things First – Do the important things first. Work before play.
Habit 4 – Think Win-Win – Make a decision that will make everyone happy! Have
an attitude that I can win, and so can you.
Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood – Listen with your
eyes and heart not just your ears. Understand the other person’s point of view
before sharing your own.
Habit 6 – Synergize – Work together as a team. Each person has an important role
to play.
Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw – Take care of yourself. Make it a priority to renew
and strengthen your mind, body, heart and soul on a regular basis.